There's no better place to invest than into the Digital Advertising and Web Marketing World.
Do You know why?
Today, 90% of enterprise analytics and business professionals say that data and analytics are key to their organization’s.
Data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers.
23 times more likely to acquire customers.
The concept is simple.
It is something all the entrepreneurs aim to reach day by day when spending, investing money.
It's about the really simple concept that you - as a business man - spends money to make moneys.
It' s simple.
Communication and Marketing are the breathing factors of any business, you know, successful companies know it very well so they invest.
The fact is that everything in the digital marketing and web space is tracked in real time and advertisers, marketers can make this datas available to business owners and to the management to take decisions, directions, investments and so best assess data driven decisions, reach goals in short times.
Long term analytics are used to plan and launch campaigns, products launch or either to create new services and products based on big data analysis.
Supply and demand?
Google researches, 3,5 billion worldwide per day.
People are always searching something they need for instance, short, medium and long-term period.
They are part of the signals of the needs, primary needs or secondary of a population, zone, town, city, gender, age, country.
Understood what am I saying?
Datas give the power of forecasting or esteem for something to happen if certains circumstances are going to realize.
Nor you, we can make decisions for the present and the future with more accuracy and probability of success.
It's the only right starting point.
It's the survivai way to succeed, take data driven decision in business.
You know in big companies, when money are not only yours but are of a group of investors, maybe some of them is part of the board council, your choices, professional choices are savvy decisions based on real facts, datas, forecasting projections, researches and development reports.
With Analytics we know in real time various type of indicators, important indicators which we can maximize money investment or conversion rate.
For example.
Traffic Source,
Channel Source
Time of Page Visit
Pages Visited
Type of Device ( Mobile, Desktop, Operation System )
Browser Used
Returning Visitor or new one
and others.
Endeed I think there's so much to understand from these data.
You know, part ot them are history-based. We can have a lot in real time, so if a visitor is browsing the website or the app, we can detect immediately the behaviour and know what he's doing like if it were a physical shop or studio, or in our business store.