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GDPR. Consent. Discover Privacy & Web Law obligations.

Updated: Jan 20

General Data Protection Regulation is the Europe biggest law implementation concerning web data protection. It regulates from cookies and third parties data collection to the compliances due when speaking privacy and utilization of these datas.

Be Aware! You risk thousands euros fine if your site isn't GDPR compliant.

It's a serious thing.

You need a Cookie Law Policy page, a Privacy Policy page and in particular cases a Terms and Conditions one.

These with contacts and names of the business, the website owner details and a contact email in case of need.

Obviously there's a complex coding part. The Cookie Consent.

You need the Cookie Consent Banner to be active, so when a visitor lands on your website, decides and chooses to authorize or deny the cookies functions. So for their next visits cookies behave as they preferred for their privacy.

If they deny, for example, Google Analytics can't function as well to collect visits data such as demographic, minutes on pages, sources, clicks, etc.

Google Analytics does it with its own cookie installed on your website. Normally through a Plugin.

Retargeting Advertising and Strategies use pixels, cookies to track visitors and reach them after across a multi-channel viewpoint.

So if a Facebook Pixel is installed on your purchase page, the visitor doesn't buy immediately. With retargeting, and a Facebook ads campaign activated, he will be shown on his Facebook feed, the exact page and product he was watching and maybe buy some days earlier on your website.

So they can be reactivated for a new visit and maybe converting with the purchase.

Cookies and Pixels track, register users browsing datas and behavior. Have a Consent Banner permits Visitors to choose.

It's almost impossible a well constructed website doesn't have ones installed.

Heat Maps need cookies to work.

What are heat maps and what do they do?

  • Record visitor data on the live state of your website. Easily view behavior on elements like modal boxes, pages behind logins, and dynamic URLs. The navigation mode lets you browse different pages on your website while viewing the visitor data on each element of these pages.

  • Get real-time data on where visitors are clicking. Use the click data to find out key action points on your pages. And remove elements that distract the user

  • Find out till what point most visitors are scrolling, and if they are missing out on anything important towards the end of the page. Use this insight to highlight key information and position it better basis how visitors navigate the page.

  • Click Areas

With all these datas registered Authorities launched a regulation which is being in process since years. GDPR laws and policies updates yearly.

So you need a solution which updates itself automatically. Reliable.

I advise always Iubenda.

Iubenda it's a perfect solutions to generate privacy policy, cookie law, terms and conditions.

Everything auto-update itself.

Plus, price Is perfect for a service platform which services plan include:

  • Privacy Policy

  • Cookie Policy

  • Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Consent Database

  • CCPA Area for Internal Data Treatment

Wishing to be helpful.

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