What' s the meaning of website traffic? Local or Global?
Hi, I'm Matteo Ratti P. Digital Web Specialist and Content Creator.
In this article I'll explain how to turn a website, also if it's new, a client generation machine.
Time of reading: 5 minutes.
4 Key Words:
Traffic Volume.
Prospect Visitors.
Traffic Volume.
How many people enter in your shop?
How many people conctact you via email or mobile phone?
This is the Traffic Volume.
How many visitors did your website have last week or the last month?.
This is web traffic online. Volume of Visitors, Volume of Users.
Volume in terms of quantity of potential clients.
Prospect Visitors.
How many people are watching or browsing your website?
More important, How many of those visitors can be prospects?
Prospect: a person regarded as likely to succeed or as a potential customer, potential client.
A visitor, like in a phhysical shop, could or couldn't be a potential costumer. you know.
There are people who only pass away to watch only, there are people with more interest who ask for something in particular they're searching.
Then there are clients who enter, visit the shop and buy. The Favourites of all business owners.
When a visitor or a user performs a desired action.
A shop visitor performs the everyday always-pleased desired action when buying something.
Online Conversions are more.
whatching a video on the website main page
product or service online purchase
fill the contact form
use the livechat and talk with the support team
newsletter subscription
downloaded the PDF or the Lead Magnet.
like to the Facebook Page
like to the Youtube Channel
Facebook post comment
Facebook post Shares
Instagram post Likes and Shares, or comments.
and more.
These short 10 conversion action list is the main example and the preface to
Conversions: the driven actions Marketers and Digital Web Advertisers lead to through marketing strategies and channels.
These is the schema, the main framework of incomings requests and sales. Online.
You know on a quantity of people that are browsing your website, visiting your physical shop there is a part who is interested in buying your product and services more than the other.
Trying to reach already interested prospect, visitors and clients is the secret to maximize the effort toward the right direction and reduce wastings of efforts, marketing budget and money.
There is a powerful tool and service online that starts from SEO, Indexing, Positioning to be in the first page of search engine results page like Google or Bing, Yahoo.
This is SEA, or Search Engine Advertising.
ie: Google Adwords is a SEA service.
How do they work?
They activate ads, insertings on Google results page with your website or landing page address.
When people click on it, they visit your website becoming visitors.
From the advertising budget a specific and always tracked amuount of money is paid for the ads that worked leading the visits, based on the value of the keywords used for the research in that moment.
These amount can have a day of monthly cap, so the budget is always under control.
PPC or Pay per Click Campaing at the beginning.
They're the most powerful tool in the marketing portfolio of an Advertisers.
Do you know why?
It's simple.
People who are searching for something on Google are already interested in a solution, product or services which your website and business, brand can be the solution if they find you before your competitors.
The 1st result page on Google is the only viewed by the 68% of the people.
68 on 100 google searches end in a site or more that prospect clients find in the first page of Google Results.
The websites that appear in the first page, between the first 5-7 position are the best valued and perceived by people as the main and best quality results for their problems and needs.
So, People ask something to Google everyday, day by day, almost 1 time.
With 3.5 billions queries worldwide per day Google is the first search engine in the world.
40 thousand people every second ask something to Google Search.
We are at "keywords".
Now I'll explain you something starting from where I've lived since I was born, a small town called Lentate sul Seveso, Monza e Brianza in Italy.
I was born on february 1991.
So with more than 15 years of studies, reseaches and works in Communication, Marketing and Video Advertising, I can explain you something really valuable.
a word or concept of great significance.
a word which acts as the key to a cipher or code.
Keywords are the words that in advertising, search engine campaigns, activate inserts and ads.
These are simply the words, relative or direct, people have in mind and use to search on Google or other search engines.
These refer to products, services, places, questions, professionals and so on.
Keywords that need to be optimized on the website first as in all other channels.
These are the basis of SEO for indexing and positioning.
The first steps.
Anyway, there are keywords with a seasonal forecasted traffic because of every year the historical for searches give us this result.
It's like the italian traditional sweet Chiacchere, oh damn they are delicious you must try. In Italy pastry shops they cook it from january to the 15 of March. Carnival traditional sweets.
Or Pellet wood for the winter heating.
Or Christmas gift ideas.
Or Summer 2024 best holydays places and destinations, Hotel.
or Restaurant Menu Reservation for 15 august Lake Como.
You can get without visioning SEO tools.
So depending on the requested volume day per day, their values change.
As it changes along medium and log term period.
You know, PPC Pay per click campaign are based on CPC cost. Cost per Click.
This cost per click is related to keywords, not to websites.
So to make visible an advertising insertion that is linked to your website on the first result page of Google for the keyword "pellets" for example.
If it searched on november for example, when a lot of people also in your zone are searching it, the keyword "pellet" costs much more than on may for example, when a lot of experts and bargainers are about to order the next winter amount that they need to heat the house and at the meanwhile save money on big-early orders.
For example on November "pellet supply shop" as a Keyword in the zone of Milano and Province could cost from 1,90 to 3.50€ per click.
So when clicking and visiting on your website, if you are a supplier, you pay that new visitor visit to yur website, from 1.90 to 3,50€ per click.
It depends. You've competitors too whose invest on search engine advertising. The value of the keywords raise and descend according to demand and offer such as competition presence, more the ranking position your website has been assigned by Google.
it can change, periodically.
So from the advertising budget, that cost will be deduct when a search network advertising insert has been activated, a visit has been done on your website.
-1,90€ visit 11.20
-2,15€ visit 13.40
-1,95€ visit 14.15
-3,50€ visit 15.30
-2.70€ visit 16.23
-3,20€ visit 17.00
For example, in one day with low budget campaigns. For 6 new visitors searching actively your products or services, this is the budget spent. With the cap of 12€ maximum per day on the overall budget.
As you see that day the insert has been activated six times. Firs client, only a visitor, maybe he will visit your local shop next week. Second visitor is in urgence. He calls to ask for the aivalabilities. " I will come this afternoon for 10 packs of 15 pounds per each" So with 2,15€ you have sold 10 packs per 10€ each. 100€ of incomings at the advertising price of 2,15€. It should be amazing. The third and the fourth have read wrong, they activate the insert and made a 8 second visit to the site. Nothing. The fitfth calls to know the opening hours, she will pass in the weekend. The sixth is on the way back from the city office. He's coming for 15 packs of pellet plus a security allarm and maybe an eletronic opening for the garage. So, 250€ or more of purchases at the closing the day 10 from the launch of the campaign. Not bad. 350€ in one day, 2 future clients for the next 10 days. One will pass or not, this is only one day of ads activated on the search network. Even if you acquire only 2 clients per day, high spending, it's a good choice. They can be loyal and return other times, share your business via word of mouth,that's always free ads.
Changes, pause, new keywords, bid adjustments are periodically applied to maximize performances, connect always new clients and visitors day by day.
With AI, Forecasting Platfform, Analysis & SEO & Tracking paid tools agencies and pros use day by day, week by week for the hard jobs.
Keywords have a dynamic value which change day by day, week by week.
Research, Development, Optimization, Changes, Variations and Integrations are due always, short and long term. This to reach always a higher in target traffic. This, among all, to reach and receive new visitors day by day, prospect who can be active and loyal clients.
How much does a campaign on Google cost?
The cost for a Google Adwords campaign is divided in two.
Google Ads Budget which wil we charged on the client's credi or debit card.
Advertiser. Digital Marketing Specialist or Agency. Analyse, Plan, Prepare, Launch, Optimize, Apply changes and Report for the campaign.
AI Platform, Analysis Tools, Forecasting and Tracking software and services have a recurring cost for agencies and professionals.
If you pay nothing the second, expect a lower quality service. We have two zero recurring payiments for AI, softwares and platform per month to analyze, research, track and forecast for SEO, Advertising purposes.
On the other hand there's nothing more trackable, real time checkable and instantaneous, efficient than the digital advertising in any form.
Results, things, actions are all real time tracked. We know immediately, you will know it day by day, week by week with the analytics.