Reding this article you will discover why not all old and grain photos are to trash away and how to turn them in a cool comp with 3 different variations.
In a couple of hours:
Images for the social media scheduling on Instagram.
A blog article.
3 old photos recovered.
But Before.
You know, I love Hans Zimmer. Also If I don't know a word in German.
If you are a Blockbuster movies lover It's hardly impossible you have not listened to almost one or two of his pieces. He has composed the most amazing soundtracks concerning the movie industry.
If you have watched one of these movies you already have listened almost one. Sure!
Here's the movie list:
Pirates of Carribean
The Lion King
Davinci Code
Man of Steel
King Arthur
Kung Fu Panda
Mission Impossible
The Last Samurai
Wonder Woman
Not a date in Milan. More than 20 dates all over Europe. SOLD OUT.
We've got an amazing stadium and arena, you know?
A return flight ticket for three days to be there and experience this live in the biggest arena of the city in Hungary.
Budapest. May 2016.
It is one of the best live music experience in my life.
We had the luck of discounted super tickets so we were seated in the second row. 10 meters from the stage. You can't imagine.
3 hours of Live. Just Amazing!
If you've listened Hans Zimmer you also have listened to Tina Guo. She rocks with her cello!
Nearly the emotions I felt once landed in United States of America in 2020.
My life-dream home and country. I'm an American who lives in Italy since when I was born. 32 years, 33 this year.
The public was filling the arena.
Anyway, after this little hint.
Why am I writing this article?
Because of I'm romantic and I like remembering wonderful and pleasure moments.
They give me energy, health, life force and serenity in the time present.
Good Emotions.
I think as it works for everyone.
Yes, sure part of the reasons it's that.
The other is yesterday evening I was thinking about works, jobs and resilience.
As a freelancer you've got to deliver always something acceptable to the client.
On the other hand I was also thinking about all the old style photos I had on my Facebook Profile.
iPhone 6s was amazing at the time but not comparable to those after iPhone X.
This morning I've challenged myself to do something deliverable with.
The Photo Recovery Challenge for a cool graphic in 30 minutes.
Why? Because of you can't imagine how many images and photos companies have got and they consider to trash away; so I've challenged myself saying this " Try to do something to recovery them and turn them in a cool result. Something Deliverable "
So I've opened Photoshop on the Macbook Air and in 15 minutes mouse moving I've done this fancy comp, adding elements as png and psd. Shadows, Spot lights, filters, from 2 to 5 photos.
In Post Correction, Editing Phase, creative results and variations are nearly the infinite.
Here's the end for now.
Thanks for the reading.
Your Matteo.
PS. Listen to these amazing masterpieces.