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Travel Photography from Official Website to OTA.

Here we are, always your Matteo ( your Matthew ) for a new blog article.

In these 5 minutes long reading article we are going to talk about the attraction and conversion power of Professional Photography at the end of the selling funnel.

Online, Tv, Real Life, Traditional Shopping, we’ve already talked about human beings as visual beings.

Our actions, desires are first driven by sight perception and evaluation.

In the hotel market, you need to persuade price-sensitive prospect to buy, as a result of the quality and price difference by star raking.

You need, we need something valuable for all viewers and visitors.

Something able to give reality, explain and shorten the gap between media and contents and what the business offers in the real world.

The more is attractive, mind catching and beautiful to watch, the better it is for the persuasive process.

Watch the photo above, seems to be a Dubai’s Hotel. Wouldn’t you be there? Doesn’t it stimulate your attraction and desire?

High Quality Photos increase the selling conversion rate by 225% at minimum.

Nowdays businesses need both high-quality images and the tech to support them. People pass a lot of times, minimum 30 minutes per day watching screens, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or surfing the web. It’s part of the costumer acqusition process to take in consideration the AIDA Formula that i repeat in these article as one of the most important in the Marketing World.

Watch the photo below for 10 seconds.

Testing matters, even more in the Digital Marketing World.

“It depends on such a lot of circumstances and dynamics”

Don’t misunderstood me.

I mean, we are professional and marketing is a matter, a science of commmunication with rules, specific proven techniques. There’s an aspect of these things most of my collegues are not easy to admit and say directly to client.

There’s always a risk in Marketing investments. The risk is connected to:

  • The Market

  • The Competitors Playground

  • The Products

  • The Costumers

  • Way of Attract and Interest, Stimulate Desire and Drive the right action by the right costumer we want.

  • Subjective Perception

  • Error in Positioning

  • Error in Branding

A lot of businesses and freelancers, brands are driven to the success. Many others suffer different trends and are more weak than those ones. There’s no way out. Digital Marketing, Communication is the breathing core of every business and professional. Without you earn nothing. In the meanwhile you need to spend and invest money. You can have Return on Investment profitable ( ROI ) or not.

But if You are in business, you cannot avoid investments. This is the first rule.

In the Offline world of reservations and bookings, Catalogues and Magazines, Listing in the travel agency are the main and only media and tools through operators drive the purchase process. What’s best attract and is the main content that make stop the reader and ask “How much is the cost in this season there?”.

Photos, Images or better say. Professional Photos and Professional Images.

Understood? I think yes.

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